Stabby Killer Weekend Update

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A problem has occurred loading the BBC News Player - Help for users without JavaScript enabled. CLOVERDALE, Ind. - Indiana State Police and local law enforcement arrested 33-year-old James E. Kirby of Cloverdale around 5 a.m. Friday after a 15-hour. UpdateStar is compatible with Windows platforms. UpdateStar has been tested to meet all of the technical requirements to be compatible with Windows 10, 8.1. Employees who steal customers’ private data and sell it to cybercriminals must face jail, the information commissioner has told MPs. Christopher Graham.

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UPDATE: Police identify man arrested in 1. Cloverdale stand. CLOVERDALE, Ind. - . Indiana State Police and local law enforcement arrested 3. James E. Kirby of Cloverdale around 5 a.

Friday after a 1. Cloverdale. He faces preliminary charges of criminal confinement, resisting law enforcement with a weapon, and neglect of a dependent.

No injuries were reported in the incident. The 2- week- old baby inside the apartment was taken to the hospital as a precaution. State Police negotiated the incident. The situation involved a 3. Kirby (the father) and a two- week- old baby girl, according to Indiana State Police Sgt. Joe Watts. He said Thursday the situation was calm, and negotiations were ongoing.

Stabby Killer Weekend Update Norm

The case originated over a Child Protective Services investigation of infant. The situation started around 2 p. Thursday when a CPS worker and police visited the family. Police said that at some point during the visit, it became apparent to the father that the baby would be taken from the home. The father then allegedly displayed a gun and the CPS workers and officers backed out of the house.

More police were called to the scene. Police called the incident a "barricaded person incident" since no one was held against their will.

The mother and father refused to give the baby up and are refused to come out of the home."My boy's got a bit of an attitude," James Kirby Sr., who stood vigil all night, watching the situation. I'll admit that. He's stubborn. I was hoping he'd fall asleep or they'd shoot him with a little dart and make him fall asleep."While police can't talk about the child welfare situation, Kirby Sr. The baby is two weeks old," he said. They've been taking the baby back and forth to the hospital. They showed something on its kidneys and they've been taking it back and forth to the doctor and hospital."Putnam County Operation Life Paramedics and Cloverdale Fire Department crews were on medical standby at the scene. Police worked through the situation slowly in the hope of positive results."We were slow and patient," Watts said.

We told you throughout the night that we'd be slow and patient with this, and this goes to prove that once you slow down, step back, work together, things can come to a positive resolution."We were in full confidence that that baby was well throughout the evening. That's another reason we wanted to be patient. This morning, when they did come out, the baby appeared to be in very fine condition."Kirby Sr. Those guys usually don't have enough patience to do that and I thanked a lot of those police officers for having their patience tonight, because I didn't want it to end the other way," he said. It's hard to go through something like this. It shouldn't have gone this far."Kirby said if his son is guilty of anything heading into this Father's Day weekend, it's being overprotective of his child.

Two handguns were recovered at the scene. The mother was also taken into police custody, but has not been charged in the incident. The investigation is ongoing.